Connecting local businesses to a global workforce to meet the demand for growing, skilled labor needs.

Global Workforce brings workers to the United States for recurring 10-month work visas issued through the Department of Labor. We have over 20 years of experience bringing foreign temporary workers to the United States to work in the agriculture sector.

Global Workforce, in partnership with CAEP, has assisted many agribusiness owners all over the United States by providing workers for their farms. The H2A process gives the employer/host the opportunity to discover workers when they are not able to find domestic workers that are both skilled and motivated. Global Workforce continues to interconnect our world to share global experiences regardless of geographical, cultural or political borders.

Global Workforce solves the growing demand for labor for business in rural counties. This helps build the local tax base for rural communities and can transform under-utilized housing infrastructure. Global Workforce meets all the requirements of the U.S. Department of Labor as a CLO.

Global Workforce LLC © 2024